2022 In Review


Everett Stage re-opened for live performances. If you were one of the audience members who once again sat in our seats and shared in our performances, we thank you! It has felt incredible to see our community come together in our space again. Audiences have spoken out in talk backs about how isolated they’ve been and how being back at Everett was therapeutic, mind-opening and invigorating. This type of communing and sharing is vital for our souls, our personal well-being, and our collective humanity. Everett is so proud of our long history of hosting diverse audiences for performance and discussion. We look forward to further expanding in-person performances next year.

Everett Company premiered its newest original production, Bliss Body, at Brown University’s Granoff Center for a sold out weekend followed by a run at Everett Stage December 2nd - 18th. The performance is an exploration of bliss through dance, personal storytelling, imagery, and music. One audience member said, “I had a different idea of what dance performances could look like before this…what they’ve expressed throughout their movements and stories is so powerful.” The performance will continue its run at Everett Stage and we look forward to touring Bliss Body over the next few years. 

Everett School returned with a full schedule of classes. Students from low-income areas across Rhode Island are dancing, acting, creating, and performing in our space again. Two advanced students are assistant teaching and picking up jobs around our working theater such as managing our box office. These young women of color will be the next generation of educators, creators and performing artists at Everett. 

After a beautiful year of creating, learning, and sharing, we ask for your support to continue this important work into 2023!  WITH YOUR HELP…  

Everett will continue this work of creating and delivering high quality art performance and programming that changes the lives of deserving young people, brings communities together for important discussion, and provides a thriving space for the arts in Providence. 



Justine Jungels